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Ucucat, cançons i tutorials d'uculela

Pedagogia per a uculela (ukulele)

Si us agrada el que faig, em podeu ajudar donant-me una petita quantitat cada mes depenent de la vostra economia i de les contrapartides que volgueu de mi. Si no podeu o voleu, us agrairé igualment que seguiu la meva feina en altres àmbits, ja siguin reals o virtuals.
C is the first chord you learn with the ukulele. With this donation you will be able to watch the videos, audios or articles I will publish monthly in l'Aixeta.

  • Monthly posts
2.00 € monthly
With this donation you will access all the posts and perks from previous levels and you will be able to ask me to make a video performance of the song you like yearly.

  • Monthly posts
  • Weekly posts
  • Yearly video of a song at your choice
5.00 € monthly
With this donation you will access all the posts and perks from previous levels and you will be able to ask me to make a video tutorial of the song you like yearly.

  • Monthly posts
  • Weekly posts
  • Yearly video of a song at your choice
  • Yearly video tutorial of a song at your choice
10.00 € monthly
With this donation you will access all the posts and perks from previous levels and you will be entitled to a two hour in-person lesson every three months or a two hour collective workshop to take place wherever you decide every three months.

  • Monthly posts
  • Weekly posts
  • Yearly video of a song at your choice
  • Yearly video tutorial of a song at your choice
  • Two hour in-person lesson every three months or a two hour collective workshop every three months
25.00 € monthly